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Cal Wilson / April 11, 2023

Combatting self-doubt in business

Self-doubt is a huge obstacle many of us have to face, whether it be as an employee or a business owner. It can prevent us from taking important steps forward, impact performance, and can even negatively affect the way others view us. While a degree of self-doubt and insecurity is a part of being human, letting it hold you back from success helps no one.  

In this issue of the Pulse, we look at self-doubt in business and how to combat it.  

What is self-doubt and where does it come from? 

Doubt is a lack of trust, certainty, or conviction; in the case of self-doubt, that’s directed inward. Even if, on some level, you’re aware of your skills and assets, there’s an underlying nagging sense that you’re not going to succeed or you can’t accomplish your goals.  

There are many potential culprits behind a person’s self-doubt: 

  • Negative self-talk – even if it seems in jest, putting yourself down and focusing on your weaknesses can have a long-term impact on your confidence.  
  • Past experiences – our brains pay more attention to negative experiences, like failures, than positive ones, like when things go smoothly.  
  • Comparison to others.  
  • Perfectionism – holding yourself to impossible standards makes achievable goals seem out of reach.  

There are a lot of reasons why a person might be generally insecure,  but when it comes to someone’s career, these factors are certainly counterproductive.  

How is self-doubt holding you back? 

On top of it being simply unpleasant, there are a lot of ways self-doubt is holding you back when it comes to business. Here are just a handful of the consequences to self-doubt in business: 

  • Reduced capacity for logical decision making, causing indecision, second-guessing, and potentially even missed opportunities.  
  • Increased anxiety and stress. 
  • Decreased confidence and self-esteem. 
  • Hindered personal growth, due to fear of taking risks, trying new things, and having experiences outside of your comfort zone.  
  • Increased strain on personal and professional relationships. 

All these facets are incredibly important to business success. Sharp, rational decision making is a crucial skill for any businessperson. Confidence and self-esteem are often needed to make successful pitches or stay afloat during hard times, while increased anxiety and stress can lead to the opposite. Personal growth is tantamount to growing your career, and fostering strong relationships is also critical in that process.  

All of this to say, in order to thrive, you need to find a way to combat self-doubt. 

First, identify the source of your self-doubt. 

If you’re caught in a loop of self-doubt – maybe it’s about a business decision, or maybe it’s anxiety before a pitch to a prospect – you have to stop and identify the source.  

Are you focusing on a similar time in the past that went poorly? Do you not have enough information to move forward comfortably? Are you, in general, paralyzed by a fear of failure? All of these are valid concerns – but can be addressed productively to move forward.  

Arm yourself with information.  

If the issue is that you just don’t feel like you have enough details to comfortably move forward in a given business scenario, then combat your doubt with information as your weapon.  

Educate yourself on any relevant topics, seek details and clarifications, and answer any questions you might have that could be contributing to your self-doubt.  

Don’t dwell on negative memories.  

Easier said than done, right? Well, chances are, if you were able to remember everything neutrally, there would be a higher number of times when things went well compared to when things went poorly. While our brains are easily drawn to the bad, if you take the time to list all the times things went well, where you succeeded and achieved your goals, you’ll find confidence comes a bit more naturally.  

Take the leap. 

If you’re stuck in the limbo of self-doubt and indecision, rip off the band-aid. Break the anxious thought loop, and do what needs to be done. 

Seek support where it is helpful, and not a crutch.  

Dealing with self-doubt is a universal human experience. Chances are there are other people in your circle who have experienced the same thing. Whether it be a close friend, a family member, a peer, or a colleague you can trust, opening up and talking about your self-doubt can be the first step in resolving it.  

The important thing to remember is to choose people who will be honest with you about your strengths and weaknesses, as well as challenge you to take those next steps and get outside your comfort zone, not hold you back.  

In conclusion… 

Falling prey to self-doubt – while a normal human experience – only holds you back when it comes to business. Finding strategies to combat it will improve your confidence and decision making capacity, all while opening you up to new opportunities.  

Cal Wilson / April 3, 2023

Breaking down the difference between petrol gas and diesel fuel.

Have you ever stood at the pump and wondered why people pay more for diesel fuel and what its advantages might be? Whether your business is trying to decide between gasoline or diesel for your fleet, or you’re just genuinely curious about the difference between the two fuels, in this article, we break it down.  

What is the difference between gasoline and diesel? 

Both fuels are what can be found at your typical gas station and are used in internal combustion engines. However, they have different chemical makeups and ignite differently.  

Gasoline – or petrol – is made from the crude oil petroleum, and is designed to burn quickly and cleanly in spark-ignition engines. While diesel is also made from petroleum, it contains a different hydrocarbon composition, and is designed to burn slowly and efficiently in compression-ignition engines.  

What are the benefits of diesel? 

Diesel typically costs more than petrol gasoline these days, so what are the advantages to using it? Here are some of the benefits to diesel fuel: 

  • A higher energy density than gasoline, meaning it provides more energy per gallon/liter, and therefore better fuel-efficiency.  
  • Lower flammability, making it less dangerous when transporting and storing.  
  • Widespread availability in most parts of the world. 

It’s all in the engine.  

Many vehicles are also made for diesel due to the benefits of a diesel engine. These include: 

  • A higher torque output, making them better suited for heavy-duty applications such as towing and hauling. 
  • A typically higher durability and longevity than their gasoline-burning counterparts. 

Which fuel is more environmentally friendly? 

There has been a lot of controversy over which fuel – diesel or petrol gasoline – is better for the environment. While neither of them are as clean as, say, an electric vehicle, it is still important to consider which fuel burning process makes less of a negative impact.  

For a long time, diesel was considered to be more environmentally friendly due to its higher fuel efficiency. However, in recent years, research has found that diesel engines emit a more polluted exhaust than their gasoline counterparts, resulting in governments considering banning diesel engines for densely populated areas altogether.  

Today, the largest concern with diesel engines remains the use of older vehicles, as newer vehicles are typically manufactured to meet current emissions standards.  

Should your business use diesel or gasoline vehicles? 

There is no one-size-fits-all right answer to this question. Whether diesel or gasoline engine vehicles make the most sense for your business is going to depend on what you do, how far your fleet drives, and where it is driving.  

For example, a restaurant with a delivery driver in an urban area would likely be best to use gasoline vehicles. However, a fleet of long-haul trucks would likely save money on fuel and repairs by using diesel vehicles.  

In conclusion… 

Petrol gasoline and diesel are both petroleum-based fuels, differentiated by the way they burn in different engines. While there are many benefits to diesel, there are environmental concerns with its emissions, as well. Whether or not your business should use diesel is truly dependent on your unique circumstances.  

Cal Wilson / March 28, 2023

How to be a Team Player – Without Burning Out

Feeling overloaded with collaboration? This fascinating new TED Talk, by collaboration pioneer Rob Cross, examines how to be a team player without burning yourself out.  

Cal Wilson / March 20, 2023

What to look for in a professional shredding service?

If your business generates a large volume of confidential or sensitive information that regularly needs to be destroyed in order to protect customer, employee, or company security and reputation, you likely employ a shredding service. Shredding services are common for many organizations dealing with proprietary data, including financial institutions, legal practices, governments, medical facilities, and nonprofits, among others.  

So how do you know you’re getting the best services you can pay for when using a shredding provider? In this article, we examine what to look for in a professional shredding service. 

Why use a professional service? 

You may consider shredding – or may already be shredding – your proprietary documents in house. And while that might be a viable, cost-effective solution based on the volume of shredding needed, there are advantages to using a professional service.  

A good shredding service will help your organization maintain compliance with privacy laws and regulations and protect you and your customers from identity and data theft, corporate espionage, and other potential data breaches. If your team doesn’t have the manpower or know-how to do the same, it may be worth looking into a professional service.  

What else can a good service offer? 

If you’ve made the decision to use a professional service, or are looking to switch services, here are some key features to look out for:  

  • On-site shredding, where a shredding truck comes to your location to securely destroy your documents, preventing any sensitive data from leaving your premises. 
  • Certificates of destruction, where you receive a certificate verifying the destruction of official materials. You should receive a certificate after every shred job, which can then be used to demonstrate your compliance with privacy regulations.   
  • Scheduling flexibility to fit your organization’s individual needs.  
  • Secure containers for materials to be stored in before being shredded.  

What happens once your documents are professionally shredded? 

For companies looking to reduce their environmental impact, many shredders will have a clear policy on recycling and sustainability that you can review before signing with them. However, this is the typical journey your documents follow after being shredded.  

After being shredded, the shredded scraps are most likely sent to be recycled, where they might be mixed with other paper waste products, such as newsprint or cardboard. Once sent to a recycling facility, it will be pulped and processed into new paper products.  

In conclusion…  

Businesses or organizations that regularly need to shred large volumes of sensitive materials may find that a professional shredding service is the safest and most time-effective solution to fit their needs. Before signing with any vendor, be sure their services fit all your needs, ensure your compliance with regulations, and keep your data secure at all times.  

Cal Wilson / March 14, 2023

Taking accountability for your mistakes in business

In a recent article of The Pulse, we talked about the importance of building trust while doing business. One way to do that is to always hold yourself accountable and take responsibility for mistakes, accidents, and poor judgement calls that you or those acting on behalf of your business may make.  

In this article, we look at what that means, and how you can move forward in a way that fosters trust after a mistake has been made. 

What is accountability, in a business sense? 

Accountability is an obligation or willingness to accept responsibility or to account for one’s actions. But it’s a little different when a business or brand is being held accountable, rather than an individual person.  

As the business owner or senior leadership of a company, you’re accountable for the actions of every person underneath you. If you’re management, you’re accountable for the actions of your whole team. Essentially, even if your personal errors are few and far between, you’re beholden to more than just your own actions.  

How to take accountability, even if you haven’t made the mistake.  

As previously mentioned, sometimes accountability in business means taking ownership for mistakes made by another individual under your employ. This may not come naturally, as it’s pretty easy for our brains to skip to, “well it’s not my fault!” When that reasoning doesn’t cut it, here’s what you have to do: 

  • Acknowledge the mistake and take responsibility for it.  
  • Apologize to those affected.  
  • Take action to resolve the issue – this may involve refunds, discounts, replacements, staff training, or even implementing new policies.   
  • Take measures to prevent similar mistakes from occurring again.  
  • Communicate openly about how the issue is being resolved/prevented in the future. 

Failure to implement these steps could result in an overall loss of consumer trust and a decreased chance of customers returning.  

In conclusion… 

In business, accountability is more than just owning up to your own mistakes. It means that you, as an owner, executive, or manager, are responsible for everyone acting on behalf of your business, and taking accountability for their mistakes, as well as yours, is part of best business practice.  

Cal Wilson / March 6, 2023

How do single-use plastic bans impact your business’ facility supplies?

Depending on where your business operates, legislation aimed at reducing plastic pollution might impact your facility supplies. If your business is struggling to adjust to new or impending legislation, this article has suggestions to help make that process as seamless as possible, all while keeping your bottom line in mind.  

The state of single-use plastic bans across North America. 

As of March, 2023, there are bans on single-use plastic in Canada and several U.S. states.  

In Canada, the federal government recently passed a ban on six kinds of single-use plastic products that, as of December, 2022, are no longer permitted to be manufactured or imported for use within the country. The six categories, which make up about three percent of Canada’s overall annual plastic waste, are: 

  • Checkout bags 
  • Cutlery 
  • Takeout ware with plastics that are hard to recycle 
  • Plastic aluminum can ring carriers 
  • Stir sticks 
  • Straws 

Other items, like plastic drink lids, have not yet been legislated, as there are not a breadth of reasonable alternatives for businesses to use.  

In the United States, there is no federal ban on single-use plastics, but states and local governments have taken legislative initiatives. For example, eight states—California, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Maine, New York, Oregon and Vermont—have banned single-use plastic bags. Additionally, cities outside these states, such as Chicago, Seattle, Boston, and Boulder, have municipal laws banning some single-use plastic products.  

Laws are ever evolving.  

With every day that passes, the laws and practices around single-use plastics are evolving. Even if your business doesn’t currently operate in one of the aforementioned jurisdictions, you still have to pay attention.  

For example, Cincinnati, Ohio has been debating a plastic bag ban for some time. Likewise, New York City – which has already ousted plastic bags – has recently passed a ban on plastic cutlery, chopsticks and sauce packets, which will change the way takeout and fast food restaurants operate significantly.  

How does your business find alternatives? 

It can be difficult to find alternatives to your longstanding facility supplies vendors or products. Especially if you’re having to make a significant change to the product, and aren’t exactly sure what you should be looking for from your vendors.  

Here are some things to know about single-use plastic alternatives that could help you in selecting an effective vendor.  

Paper bags. 

With plastic bags banned across much of North America, retailers’ best options are often reusable bags brought by the customer and paper bags, which can be easily recycled.  

Reusable bags or bins are widely used and accepted, but only about 43% of shoppers will remember to bring them every time they shop. Likewise, according to the Government of Canada, “some consumers have raised concerns about the cleanliness of reusable bags. Advertising and consumer education about the importance of washing reusable bags, especially after being used for non-grocery purposes, is likely to help encourage their continued use.” 

Your business can certainly expect and rely on customers to bring their own bags, bins, and boxes, but for those that still wish to provide customers with bags, here are some important things to know about paper shopping bags: 

  • Paper strength is measures in gauges (GSM), and paper bags typically come between 80-400GSM. The higher the gauge, the stronger the bag, which will be important depending on your product. 
  • Every paper bag offering typically comes with an advisory on its weight carrying capacity.  
  • Sustainable materials should be labeled by the supplier – look for vendors that advertise materials like “90% or 100% post consumer content” if you’re looking to go green with your paper bags.  

Likewise, here are some helpful tips for selecting a product from your chosen vendor: 

  • Consider the size of the largest item your customer may need to bag on a typical shopping trip – what is the closest dimension of bag offered that could accommodate that object? 
  • You can calculate the gauge of strength of paper bag you need: number of items x average weight of an item. 
  • Select the right handle type for your paper bags based on your customers’ needs and weight of the typical bagged load. A thin ribbon handle might be great for a small gift boutique, but not for a grocery store.  
  • Confirm with your supplier that the bags are recyclable and/or compostable.


Often, plastic cutlery isn’t required when we give it to customers. When it is, alternatives to plastic do exist, namely pressed and molded fiber and wood 

While it isn’t hard to find providers for these products, there are some questions your business will want to answer before you make a choice: 

  • How do you plan on handing out this cutlery, with plastic wrapping not being an option? 
  • Are compostable items covered under your region’s legislation? 
  • Do you want to purchase cutlery sets or bulk pieces of individual cutlery? 
  • What specialty items do you need? 
  • What is the strength and tenacity of the available cutlery options, and will you be able to test them on your product? 

Answering these questions will allow you to get more bang for your buck when choosing a provider.  

Takeaway containers and lids. 

The most sustainable takeout container method is, of course, to encourage customers to use their own reusable container. But, in the age of Uber Eats and Door Dash, we know that’s not always a realistic option.  

If single-use containers are banned where you operate, there are other options. Recyclable containers – both cardboard and plastic – are an option, but be sure to talk with your waste disposal provider about which options they can recycle. Compostable containers are also an option, but may not be within legislation rules, as they are still single-use.  


Choosing the right straw option is a bit more complicated than the rest. Straws are an accessibility aid to many people, and finding one that works properly for disabled customers, while still meeting regulatory standards, can be a daunting task.  

Paper straws are a cost-effective solution, but many customers find they soften too quickly. There are many alternatives to paper, such as corn starch, sugarcane, and agave, that customers may find more suitable. Do some research into what your customers’ preferences and needs are, how and when you can eliminate straws, and what kinds of compostable straws are legal in your region.  

In conclusion… 

Though this was by no means an exhaustive list of single-use plastic products your business may find itself needing to replace, it’s good to start thinking about how your facility supplies can be impacted by plastic legislation. Plastic bans shouldn’t mean your bottom line is crippled or your operations are impacted. Plan ahead, do your research, and find vendors with the right solutions. 

Joe Weppler / February 28, 2023

The Value of Social Media Presence for Businesses

Social Media has earned its title as one of the most valuable assets in a technology focused society. Although many entrepreneurs struggle to adapt to the overwhelming growth of various platforms, it’s a necessity to understand how social media has changed the business world. Why is it crucial to augment your business through online networks? 

In this issue of The Pulse, we evaluate the significance of social media for small businesses. 

Businesses have had to adapt in recent years 

It’s no surprise the economy has been erratic since the COVID-19 pandemic breakout. It is believed that between 2019 and 2020, the global gross domestic product had it’s worst economic decline since the Great Depression. With the rise of technology, business owners have adapted new methods to stay afloat. One such method is making use of the inexpensive or free opportunities presented by social media.  

Benefits of social media  

Consumers indisputably have less pocket money to splurge on goods and services, so how are small businesses expanding their networks? Social media has aided business owners in influencing how customers perceive them and their products.  

Creating personalized content can pinpoint the target audience and deliver soft-sell advertising directly to their newsfeed. Having your business active on various platforms can also generate communication pathways and build connections.  

Limitless information  

Entrepreneurs, managers, and dedicated marketing staff have access to analytics such as: 

  • Post viewers 
  • Profile visits 
  • Profile shares 
  • Follower engagement 
  • Follower location and other demographic information 

Traffic-monitoring tools inform the business/brand of engagement and whether they’re utilizing the platform effectively.  

Chances are that your competitors are using social media platforms to expand their business. Having access to other businesses’ marketing tools and strategies ensures you remain one step ahead.  

Likewise, awareness of your business’ competitors can further develop an understanding of customer needs.  

Marketing is visual 

Whoever your target audience may be, all businesses want to leave a lasting impression on their customers. Approximately 50% of new information is forgotten within an hour, so how can content be successfully marketed? 

Infographics use minimal words to tell a story though an inviting design. Studies show that information is processed and retained at a quicker rate through visuals.  

Businesses can effectively communicate to their customers with infographics through effective use of: 

  • Colour theory 
  • Engaging designs 
  • Minimal clutter 
  • Visual organization 
  • Sharable & usable content 

Nowadays, there are so many free or inexpensive design platforms to help your creative visually appealing, effective content that will remain in your audience’s mind. Failing to take advantage of these tools is just poor business strategy.  

Search engine optimization 

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the act of boosting a site’s visibility to increase its traffic. Creating consistent content for your business’s social media can be taxing, but posting regularly is the recipe for site engagement.  

Approximately 55% of consumers say social media is how they come to know different brands and companies. This means more than half of potential consumers are gained through digital marketing.  

In conclusion… 

If you haven’t already, jumping on the social media train is crucial. Technology is continuously advancing, and consumers will be relying on businesses to digitalize their platform.  

To conclude, it is proven through various statistics that social media presence only enhances your business. Why wouldn’t you make use of this tool? 

Joe Weppler / February 21, 2023

Cost reduction strategies for your business’ uniforms and linens

Uniforms and Linens are an essential service for many businesses, but how much does the average business really know about them? For many, laundry cleaning and uniform services are part of daily operations. So why do business owners struggle with finding and identifying savings opportunities? 

In this article, we are exploring the Uniforms and Linens industry, how valuable it is to keep an eye on your service needs, and the importance of maintaining relationships with vendors/providers.  

About the industry 

U.S. based Uniform and Linen supply companies have thousands of establishments and an estimated annual revenue of approximately $14 billon. These services can have a noticeable influence on your bottom-line.  

Outside the United States, international suppliers include: 

  • Bangladesh 
  • China 
  • Vietnam  
  • India 

While many businesses across all industries may require uniforms and linens, the most heavily targeted industries are: 

  • The hospitality industry 
  • Hospitals / Health Care Facilities 
  • Restaurants  

Uniforms and Linens are a significant expense 

While they might seem like a natural part of doing business, uniforms and linens can eat into your bottom line. For example, they can cost restaurants thousands of dollars monthly. 

Luckily, there are ways to save money. For example: 

  • Investing in high-quality – higher-quality linens last longer. Therefore, fewer replacements are needed down the road.  
  • Investing in washer/dryer maintenance and up-keep. 
  • Avoiding improper laundering – poor up-keep can damage the quality and lifespan of products. 

Another way to save on your uniforms and linens costs is to re-evaluate your contracts.  

Why are vendor/client relationships important? 

One of the key areas we look at when analyzing is if the vendor is fulfilling promises they made to the client. It is often found that businesses may have additional expenses that were not agreed upon in the beginning. Although this can be frustrating for our clients; it can make finding savings an easy task.  

Few business owners recognize there are possibilities for potential savings on this vital service. Although, there is a high demand for Uniform and Linen related services, costs can look vastly different for each client.  

Understanding vendor agreements 

Before signing any vendor agreement, having insight on the rates and services is essential. Vendor expenses typically include production, delivery, and restocking of inventory. There are also loss fees, which are applied when uniforms or linens are missing from inventory. As well as upgrade fees, when the inevitable wear and tear occurs.  

Rental is the cost-effective solution 

Uniform and linen rental is becoming widely known for its convenience. With no inventorial upfront costs and easier access to replacements/repairs, renting from a reliable source has become a preferred option to purchasing outright.  

Malfunctioning machinery and damaged products are all part of running a business, but unfortunately, this can happen at the most unexpected times. The benefit of renting is that machine maintenance and garment replacements are immediate, and on some occasions, free.  


If you are a new or are established business owner, it is important to keep in mind there are cost reduction solutions for your Uniforms and Linens needs. This being an essential service, awareness of the industry and personal vendor-requirements will ensure you are receiving the greatest deal. 

There is always room for savings.  

Cal Wilson / February 14, 2023

In business, trust is vital

We’ve all been in that position before; you have a problem you don’t know how to solve, and you have to rely on a professional to fix it for you. It’s anxiety provoking not to have control or to not know all the answers. Luckily, being able to trust that a professional has your best interest in heart makes that predicament a lot less frustrating.  

From a consumer perspective, of course this makes a lot of sense. From a business perspective, that means building trust and a reputation of trustworthiness is vital to your overall success.  

In this issue of the Pulse, we look at why trust is important and the cost of ignoring it as a factor in your customer relationships.  

An example of building trust in a real interaction. 

Recently, my relatively new, otherwise-great gaming laptop stopped charging. Initially, I thought it was the charger, which I replaced to no success. Frustrated and anxious about the cost of resolving this issue, I made the decision to send the laptop in to a local computer shop with a good reputation – the same shop that recommended this model.   

Anxiously, I sent my beloved device away right before Christmas, knowing I wouldn’t be seeing it any time soon. However, I trusted it was in good hands.  

I was right. We got a call in January detailing the issue – something I don’t quite understand about the motherboard – and a list of options for what to do next. The repair person had gone ahead and recovered my data, and I could choose to either replace the computer, replace the motherboard, or send it to a different store with a micro-soldering specialist who might be able to fix the issue this store couldn’t. I was assured this other shop – which I had never heard of – was credible, and that they worked with it often on projects too niche for their capabilities.  

Once again, I trusted the professional, and once again, sent my laptop away – this time, to someone I had no experience with. Again, that trust didn’t lead me astray. The specialist at the other store fixed the issue, and for less than 10% of what the cost to replace either the computer or the motherboard would have been.  

The repair person at the original shop could have made a lot of money selling me those parts. Instead, they sent me to someone else who could do what they couldn’t. And for that, I trust implicitly that they always have my best interest at heart.  

Trust is something you earn.  

This is just one story of hundreds of good interactions I’ve had with businesses I now trust; but it saved me a lot of money and heartbreak over potentially losing my computer. I’m sure every person reading this can conjure a similar memory, where a professional made a choice that perhaps wasn’t best for their profit, but was ethically the best choice and left you walking away feeling good.  

A reputation – including reviews and testimonials – for this kind of service is important to a business’ ultimate success. Which computer repair shop is going to get the most repeat customers? The one with the fastest services and the most expertise? Maybe. The one with a proven track record of doing whatever it takes to help their clients? Definitely.  

Losing trust is expensive.  

Recent studies have found that trust in a business is important for as much as 80% of consumers. Likewise, 71% of consumers say they are unlikely to buy from a company they no longer trust, while 73% confirmed they would spend much less.  

Those numbers are significant. Up to 80% of your customer base is not worth putting in jeopardy by not prioritizing building trust in your business strategy. In everything from your marketing, employee training, and operations guidelines, trustworthiness needs to be something you’re striving to achieve and maintain.  

In conclusion… 

As a business, it’s up to you to earn your customers’ trust. Failing to do so can be costly. However, living up to that trust will build a loyal customer base, bring in more business, and help your brand thrive.  

Cal Wilson / February 6, 2023

How does Less-Than-Truckload work?

Let’s face it – shipping is getting expensive at the same time as consumer pressure is rising for it to be free. Your business needs the right solutions to balance your profits and losses – and without careful optimization, shipping could be one of your biggest pain points.  

In this article, we’re looking at one of the solutions that is increasing in popularity for freight 150lbs and over – Less-Than-Truckload (LTL). 

What is LTL? 

When shipping ground domestic in North America, you essentially have three options: 

  • Small package/parcel shipping (SPS) 
  • Less-Than-Truckload (LTL) 
  • Full Truckload (FTL) 

For goods under 150lbs, you are likely using SPS services, most commonly offered by providers like UPS or Fedex. FTL is for a shipment of goods that use the space of an entire truck-trailer. LTL is the balance in between; it’s a solution for goods between 150-15,000lbs, that do not take up the space for an FTL shipment to be necessary.

How does it work? 

Rather than paying per parcel, like in SPS, or for the full truck, like in FTL, the shipper in LTL shipments pays for the space its goods take up on the truck. The rest of the cost of the truck trailer is divided among shippers paying to have their goods transported. LTL operates on a ‘hub and spoke model’ where local terminals are the spokes and larger central terminals are the hubs or distribution centers.   

 Rates are typically dependent on several factors: 

  • Location and distance of shipment. 
  • Type of goods; perishable, hazardous, or fragile materials are likely to cost more.  
  • Dimensions of goods, particularly the weight.  
  • Whether or not the shipment needs to be expedited. 

Why choose LTL? 

There are several benefits of choosing LTL as a solution. These include: 

  • Cost reduction – rather than paying for an unoptimized FTL load, LTL allows you to split the cost of freight, and lower your overall warehousing expenses.  
  • Increased security for your goods – since most LTL shipments are tightly packaged onto pallets before being loaded, they are often more secure in the shipping process than when using other methods.  
  • Environmental considerations – optimizing a truckload among many shippers is less wasteful than several separate shipments.  
  • Faster delivery times – instead of waiting for a full truckload to send out shipments, you can ship goods to customers much faster, improving their experience.  

Likewise, some providers offer additional perks for LTL customers, such as inside pickup and delivery, advanced tracking, and dedicated support and expertise from the LTL provider.  

In conclusion… 

If your business regularly ships goods, and those goods weigh over 150lbs, you might be overspending if you don’t have an LTL solution implemented. If you’re only using FTL, and either waiting until you have a full truckload, or sending shipments in underutilized trailers, you’re wasting money.