Up to date, high-level business information that is relevant to our clients and contacts, helping keep up to date on the ver-changing business world of today.

Pamila Kew / May 25, 2016

Community Involvement

Entrepreneurial Arts and Community Project

BNI - entrepreneurial arts

Dave Tankersley recently volunteered to be a judge at his local high school’s inaugural entrepreneurial arts and community projects competition. Throughout the semester, students were charged with developing projects that involved the arts and engaged the community. Dave enlisted the help of four fellow BNI members to assist with judging, and the students did a great job creating and presenting their impressive projects.

Pamila Kew / May 20, 2016

In The News – The Metter Advertiser

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Pamila Kew / May 13, 2016

Community Involvement

Michiana Shot & Greet – Pitch to the Sharks

Jerry Sarno recently participated in the annual Michiana Shop & Greet for the third year. He was the Lead Shark in the “Pitch to the Sharks” competition, where 24 entrepreneurs vied for $250 in grand prize money by giving their best elevator pitch to panel of 5 prominent business people.

As lead shark, Jerry was the one up on stage soliciting businesses to take part in the “Pitch to the Sharks”. He also awarded the prize to winner Seianna McCray, who is the Founder/Creative Director of her own non-profit. The entire event was a great success, with over 75 businesses displaying their products and services.

Shop & Greet Pitch to the Sharks announcing the winner 2016 #2   Shop & Greet Pitch to the Sharks Winner 2016 Seianna McCroy

Pamila Kew / May 13, 2016

Transitioning to Chip Payment Technology

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Pamila Kew / May 13, 2016

Bigger Isn’t Better

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