Up to date, high-level business information that is relevant to our clients and contacts, helping keep up to date on the ver-changing business world of today.

Pamila Kew / June 29, 2020

Professional Profile – Mary Pociask

Mary Pociask knows very well how important expense management is to drive profitability. That’s why she’s committed to providing her unique perspective and advice to businesses so they can focus on doing what they do best.

“Often firms set lofty sales objectives to meet net income expectations, but don’t pay enough attention to managing expenses. Reducing unnecessary costs will improve financial stability and profitability. However, finding expense savings – knowing the best deals and negotiating with vendors can be time consuming and frustrating,” Mary said.

Mary is proud to offer Schooley Mitchell’s valuable services to her clients, reducing their various business expenses and optimizing their cost environment. With Schooley Mitchell’s 20 years of experience, strong vendor relationships, market intelligence and proprietary software and databases, Mary can get her clients deals that they simply don’t have access to on their own.

Schooley Mitchell is North America’s largest independent cost reduction consulting firm, with offices from coast to coast in the United States and Canada. On average, Schooley Mitchell reduces clients expenses by 28 percent and has delivered savings to over 22,000 clients.

Mary’s success is her client’s success. In fact, due to Schooley Mitchell’s unique contingency-based fees, Mary doesn’t make a dollar unless her client realizes savings. There is no up-front cost for Schooley Mitchell’s help. That’s why working with Mary is truly a win-win proposition. The Virginia-based Schooley Mitchell consultant offers an objective, risk free service to her clients, significantly reducing costs in several areas including telecom, merchant services, small package shipping and waste disposal.

Prior to joining Schooley Mitchell, Mary had an extensive career in telecommunications, finance and marketing. She worked for a major telecommunications provider for many years managing corporate budgets and leading marketing and loyalty programs for small and mid-sized businesses.

Mary has an MBA in finance from George Washington University, an A.B. in Economics from Smith College and a Graduate Certificate in digital marketing from the University of Virginia.

“With all of the demands business owners face, they often don’t have time and the resources to keep up with all of the changes in technology — let alone all of the promotional offers that are in the market. I work with clients to take away the pain of trying to make sense of the complicated fee structures and the bills. I give them the peace of mind that they are never paying more than they should be,” she said.

In her personal life, Mary enjoys spending time with her family – especially at Bethany Beach, DE. She loves traveling, reading, refinishing old furniture, and trying to learn or tackle a new project whenever she can.

Mary is a member of both the Reston and Dulles Regional Chambers of Commerce and also actively supports the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society (LLS) as a team member for the Women of the Year campaign, as well as a supporter of the Reston Light the Night. She participated in the All Hands and Heart efforts to rebuild and repair homes in North Carolina impacted by Hurricane Michael, and plans to volunteer her time and efforts with new projects as the need arises.

Both as a consultant and in her day-to-day life, honesty and transparency are Mary’s guiding principles. By setting clear objectives and explaining the Schooley Mitchell process, Mary avoids surprises that often come with consulting work – and she knows her clients will benefit.

“I am doing this in a large part because I believe what we do truly helps businesses. An efficient and well run business is a prosperous one that will be more resilient during challenging times.” she said.

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Pamila Kew / June 25, 2020

Featured Client Window Works


For more than 30 years, Window Works has been providing the people of Richmond, British Columbia and the surrounding area with high-quality window coverings and custom upholstery. This includes shades, blinds, shutters and more.

Pamila Kew / June 24, 2020

Will NAFTA’s Replacement Impact Your Small Package Shipping?

The United States, Mexico, Canada Agreement (USMCA) will soon go into effect, replacing the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) that has governed the trilateral trade bloc in North America since 1994. All three countries have now submitted the formal notification of their ratification, and the new agreement will come into force on July 1, 2020.

This is a hard transition date, meaning that shipments that arrive in the US, Mexico, or Canada on July 1 will follow USMCA regulations. So what does this mean for your small package shipping environment?

If you’re shipping packages between these three countries, USMCA regulations may require new data elements in order to clear customs and receive the appropriate duty treatment. There are several key changes that differentiate the USMCA from NAFTA. For specifics on the details, check out the links at the end of this overview.

Certificate of Origin

The USMCA does not require a specific certificate of origin document like NAFTA does. A claim for preferential tariff treatment under the USMCA requires nine minimum data elements on an invoice or separate documents that describes the originating goods with sufficient detail to enable their identification. The claim must also be accompanied by a specific statement, signed and dated by the certifier.

Minimum Value Thresholds

While the U.S. threshold remains at $800USD, there are new de minimis value thresholds for shipments into Canada and Mexico. The de minimis is the price threshold below which fewer or no taxes are charged on a shipment. These thresholds are different for both duties and taxes, so make sure you know the new rates and how they apply to your normal shipments.

Auto & Dairy

There are new economic growth and market access requirements for the automotive and dairy industries.

Under USMCA, 75% of auto content and components must be manufactured in one of the USMCA countries to attain a zero-tariff rate.

The agreement also increases market access to Canada for certain U.S. dairy products and introduces new tariff rate quotas to allow more dairy imported to Canada duty rate.

Exemptions for Low-Value Shipments

Thankfully, the USMCA provides that there is no certification of origin requirements for shipments value below $1,000 USD or its equivalent in currency as established by the importing USMCA country. A written statement certifying the goods will still be required.

For details on how the agreement might affect your shipping, you can read compliance guidelines at the U.S. Customs and Border Protection website at www.cbp.gov. The USMCA in full can be found on the Office of the United States Trade Representative’s website at www.ustr.gov.


Presented by: Marc Ackerman

Author: Joe Weppler


Pamila Kew / June 24, 2020

A Time To Act – Pandemic Response

Economic conditions have changed in the blink of an eye. Across the planet, business owners are suffering while navigating the measures we need to take to keep us safe.

At Schooley Mitchell, our mission is to help our clients maintain stability in uncertain times without a risk of loss. With our risk-free audit, we can cut your costs and increase your bottom line. I encourage you to reach out today if that sounds like the kind of safety net your business could benefit from in these difficult times.

Pamila Kew / June 24, 2020

Hillcrest Platte County

Hillcrest Platte County

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Pamila Kew / June 23, 2020

Interview with Kathryn Engstrom of Mary Kay Cosmetics

Schooley Mitchell Optimization Specialist William McKissock recently sat down remotely with Kathryn Engstrom to discuss her career as a Executive Million Dollar Director with Mary Kay Cosmetics.

Kathryn Engstrom | Cell: 813-728-7498 | [email protected]
Future Executive Senior Million $ Director | Mary Kay Cosmetics