Up to date, high-level business information that is relevant to our clients and contacts, helping keep up to date on the ver-changing business world of today.

Cal Wilson / November 29, 2022

The emotional toll of economic uncertainty  

For business owners, the 2020s might feel like an obstacle course with no end in sight. Recently, business owners across North America have reported some significant stressors impacting their outlook heading into 2023.  

In this issue of the Pulse, we look at these stressors and the impact they can have on business leadership.  

What is stressing out business leaders? 

According to the World Economic Forum’s Executive Opinion Survey 2022, North American business leaders are experiencing quite the array of concerns. The survey asked more than 12,000 business leaders to select “which five risks are the most likely to pose the biggest threat to your country in the next two years?” from a list of 35 global risks. 

It found that in the United States, the top concerns were: 

  1. Debt crises 
  2. Rapid and/or sustained inflation 
  3. Geo-economic confrontation 
  4. Failure of climate-change adaption 
  5. Interstate conflict tied with employment and livelihood crises  

In Canada, the results were: 

  1. Cost of living crisis 
  2. Debt crises 
  3. Rapid and/or sustained inflation 
  4. Failure of climate-change adaption 
  5. Asset bubble burst 

Business owners aren’t confident moving forward. 

Across both countries, these factors have reduced business owners’ confidence. In 2022, 29% of small businesses have worried about having to close. They’ve also reported taking the following steps to keep their businesses running: 

  • 46% are working more hours than before the pandemic. 
  • 33% are performing duties that were typically handled by someone else.  
  • 29% have cut their own salaries. 
  • 35% have had to raise their prices. 

For the time being, only 44% of business owners expect better conditions in the next six months.  

What is the impact of this stress on your team? 

At all levels of employment, employees are struggling with these same stressful conditions.  

One study from Deloitte Canada found that stress-related burnout led to 50% of managers contemplating leaving their roles since the beginning of the pandemic. Likewise, 70% reported stress impacting their ability to make decisions.  

Another study from global employee engagement firm, Reward Gateway, found that 72% of HR leaders “agree that stress resulting from cost-of-living increases is negatively impacting the work of their employees.” 

Global economic insecurity creates a baseline of unease that effects both leaders and the entire staff of your business. It’s important to check in with yourself and your team to make sure you aren’t ignoring its presence.  

Understand your feelings about money. 

For many of us, money has a stressful underlying connotation. Much of our economy-related stress is fueled by how we feel about money.  

Investigate the way money makes you feel; perhaps its anxious, avoidant, or irritated. Understanding this foundational emotion can help you rewire those associations in the future, and help you feel more calm and self-assured, even in challenging times.  

Label your feelings. 

It’s easy to push through the stress and fear that you might be feeling right now by throwing yourself into your work. Unfortunately, this is only likely to lead to more burnout and decreased quality of work.  

Michele Tugade, a professor of psychological science at Vassar College, says it’s important to acknowledge and label your economic-related anxieties.  

“It’s crucial to understand the root of your emotions by asking yourself questions like ‘how does this feel in my body?’ and ‘what is this emotion telling me about the situation?’” she says. “For example, identify where the anxiety is bubbling up in your body – your stomach? Your chest? Also, think about what made the anxiety come up – was it a news report about tech layoffs? Was it browsing the aisles at the shops?” 

If you can think about the root of your economic anxiety, rather than allow your brain to spiral about it, you can problem solve from a better mental headspace.  

In conclusion… 

With what has seemed like a constant stream of economic crises in the past few years, it’s only normal that many business owners, leaders, and employees are dealing with considerable stress. This can have serious impacts on a business’ operations, as well as business owners’ collective outlook moving forward. It’s important to address this stress and focus on the wellbeing of you and your team.  

Cal Wilson / November 21, 2022

Unpacking SaaS, No. 1: What is Software as a Service (SaaS) and why do businesses need to know?

You may have seen the acronym SaaS floating around in the past few years. Software as a Service is an incredibly popular model in the modern business world, which many businesses utilize for their daily operations.  

If you’re a newer business or a more established enterprise looking to expand your use of software, learning about this model might help you find the perfect tool for your company.  

Part one of Schooley Mitchell’s three-part series on SaaS.  

Schooley Mitchell has recently expanded to add Software as a Service to our areas of cost reduction specialty. To mark this exciting time, we are publishing a three-part series on SaaS – beginning with today’s article, looking at what it is, and why businesses choose to use it.  

What is SaaS? 

SaaS, or Software as a Service, is a licensing and delivery model for enterprise software, in which the product is licensed on a subscription basis and centrally hosted. Meaning, you can subscribe and receive a product hosted by the company that owns it, rather than purchasing it outright and hosting it over your own infrastructure.  

If you’ve ever heard someone talk about software ‘on-demand’, they are referring to SaaS.  

Why is this a preferable option for businesses?  

There is a lot of convenience for businesses who employ SaaS. Not only do they avoid licensing issues – such as knowing when to update software or storing the software on their own devices – but SaaS provides secondary advantages as well. These include, but are not limited to: 

  • Cost effectiveness, including eliminating maintenance costs 
  • Global compatibility 
  • Cloud-based solutions 
  • Quick and seamless integration 
  • Scalable usage 
  • Enhanced security  
  • Patches and updates are rolled out to all users simultaneously and automatically 
  • Customizable solutions  

This industry is quickly growing.  

With the rise of remote working and other post-pandemic strategies, SaaS has experienced exponential growth in the past three years.  

This includes some of the most popular messaging, email, and video conferencing apps you have certainly made use of since 2020, and likely before. For many companies, allowing their employees to work from personal computers or smartphones kept them afloat during the worst of the pandemic, and cemented SaaS as a necessary part of a company’s operations and disaster recovery plan.  

Corporate office settings aren’t the only businesses who have been using SaaS now more than ever. Restaurants, retailers accepting online payments, and healthcare providers offering virtual appointments. This had led to an increasing amount of SaaS providers focusing on making their products mobile compatible via apps.  

You know a lot of SaaS providers.  

Even without thinking about it, you probably know some of the biggest SaaS providers. Though these are just a few of the companies making waves in the industry, some recognizable brands include: 

  • Microsoft Corporation 
  • Salesforce.com, Inc. 
  • Cisco System, Inc.  
  • Amazon Web Services, Inc.  
  • Adobe 

So, how does it work? 

SaaS is all operational via the cloud. TechTarget describes it like this: 

“A software provider will either host the application and related data using its own servers, databases, networking and computing resources, or it may be an ISV that contracts a cloud provider to host the application in the provider’s data center. The application will be accessible to any device with a network connection. SaaS applications are typically accessed via web browsers.”  

The provider gives its customer network-based access to a copy of its software that has been specifically created for SaaS distribution.  

“The application’s source code is the same for all customers, and when new features or functionalities are released, they are rolled out to all customers,” TechTarget explains.  

Then, depending on the agreement between provider and client, the latter’s data may be stored locally, in the cloud, or both.  

How is Saas priced? 

Because SaaS is cost-effective and often customizable, there are naturally a range of payment plans and options that companies can offer. Here are a few of the models you might come across when working with SaaS providers: 

  • Flat rates: in which customers are granted access to the software’s full suite of features for a fixed subscription fee, paid monthly or annually.  
  • Per user: in these cases, the pricing is determined by how many people use the service for each subscription. There is a fixed price for every user. In other cases, a provider might offer user-based tiers, where the price is based on the number of active users.  
  • Storage tiers: in which customers can use the service for free, but are required to pay for storage if they wish to use the product after they reach a designated limit. Think of Dropbox or Google Drive.  
  • Usage based: a pay-as-you-go model where customers are billed based on usage.  
  • Feature based tiers: in which customers are billed based on the amount of features their subscription utilizes.  

These are some of the most common pricing models currently on the market, but they are just a handful of the options out there.  

In conclusion… 

Software as a Service, or SaaS, is a cost-effective, accessible enterprise software delivery model. It has many perks for the subscriber, including customizable solutions and automatic updates. As cloud-based services continue to expand, this model is seeing more and more widespread acceptance among business clients.  

Next issue… 

In part two of our three-part series on SaaS, we look at paid versus free software subscriptions.  

Related articles: 

Cal Wilson / November 15, 2022

Five tips for learning new software at work.

Many of us have found ourselves trying to learn and adapt to the newest technology while on the job. Across all industries, it seems like there are new innovations every single day.  

In this issue of the Pulse, we share advice for learning new software programs you may come across in the workplace.  

1. Have a manageable goal.

When learning a new program, your first goal shouldn’t be to become an overnight expert. Create a practical, achievable goal that helps you implement the software into your work routine and focus on accomplishing that.  

2. Immerse yourself.

While it’s great to watch videos, read articles, and ask coworkers questions – and we suggest you do all these things – it’s even more critical to get your hands on the program you’re trying to learn. Your memory retention improves with hands on learning, so it’s important to physically go through the motions of using the software.

3. Don’t be click-shy.

Oftentimes, when opening up a new program, it can be intimidating, and users are nervous to click around and make mistakes. Meanwhile, software engineers have been paid a lot of money to try to break this program and find its flaws before it landed on your PC. Click things, learn how they work, and don’t be afraid to make mistakes.  

4. Go on ‘do not disturb’ mode to practice. 

Sometimes when we are learning new or additional skills, we don’t feel we can prioritize them over our traditional work duties. However, if this is contributing to your work, then it should be a priority. 

Take some time to yourself, turn on ‘do not disturb,’ and focus all your attention on learning the new program. Don’t let emails, chats, or other tasks distract you.  

5. Utilize built-in tutorials. 

Most software programs have built-in tools or tutorials designed to assist new users. Whether it’s a specific tutorial walkthrough or a feature where hovering your mouse over a tool gives you an explanation of how to use it, there is almost always an aid at your disposal. Don’t rush through these tidbits; reading through them will help you learn.  

In conclusion… 

Learning goes better when you take the pressure off yourself and make it fun. Give yourself the space and mindset to put your best foot forward when acquiring new skills. 

Cal Wilson / November 1, 2022

When to turn your meeting into an email, and vice versa

We’ve all left a meeting and asked the age-old question, “couldn’t this have been an email?” 

On average, an organization’s staff spends 15% of their collective time in meetings. More if they’re in executive roles or senior leadership.  

 If you’re a team leader or manager trying to avoid making your staff ask this question, this issue of The Pulse is for you.   

It’s all about the clearest communication.  

We all consume, digest, and apply information differently.  

In any strong team, there’s a diversity of thinkers and communicators. Some of your team members are going to be better in meetings than others. Some will be more attentive to their emails. You might be stronger in one area than another.  

At the end of the day, it’s important that you know your team and what method of communication will be clearest and most effective for them. Even if it’s not the medium you personally prefer.  

When is a meeting necessary?  

There are certain times when a meeting can’t be avoided or is just a better choice than sending out an email notice. These include: 

  • When you’re looking to build camaraderie among your team. 
  • When you’re discussing a project or task that requires collaboration or input from multiple members of the team.  

When does an email suffice? 

On the flip side, it might be better to default to an email under the following circumstances: 

  • If you are simply relaying information without need for collaboration. 
  • If the collaboration is straightforward between one or two people.  
  • If it’s an issue that can be easily resolved, or a simple question that needs answering. 
  • If the group of people you’re speaking to is quite large, making a meeting confusing or unproductive.  

When to end or skip a recurring meeting.  

Recurring meetings are incredibly useful for ongoing projects or duties that are shared between multiple team members. They can be some of the most productive hours of your work week.  

However, recurring meetings likely aren’t needed every week indefinitely and it’s worth checking in for feedback periodically to ensure the meetings are still serving their intended purpose.  

If you’re unsure… 

If you’re still not sure whether to hold a meeting or send an email, ask yourself the following questions: 

  • What is the purpose of the contact? Does it require collaboration or group input? 
  • Is the issue complex? A difficult problem to solve or concept to explain might get lost in the “translation” to email process.  
  • Has your team been bogged down by video meetings recently? Zoom fatigue is a real thing, and avoiding unnecessary video calls can be a kindness to your staff.  
  • Will this meeting disrupt productivity on other important tasks or projects? 

Finally, the biggest question you should ask before you commit to a meeting over an email is this: is it worth company time and money to have this many staff in a meeting for this length of time? 

If the answer is no, an email notice, or conversation over another platform like Teams or Slack, is much likely a better route to take.  

Cal Wilson / October 24, 2022

Anaerobic digestion – a solution to waste and energy concerns?

In Penobscot County, Maine, a fifth-generation cattle farm has adopted a brilliant way of reducing waste, creating clean energy, and offsetting the cost of running their facilities.  

Nearly a decade ago, Stonyvale Farm installed a waste management system to handle the excess manure produced by its cows. The system loads manure into large, heated tanks filled with microbes, which then generate electricity using anaerobic digestion – a process similar to fermentation. Before long, the farm added food waste to this process; which ended up being more effective, with the same carbon footprint.  

Sponsored by private companies and government grants, Stonyvale Farm has expanded its facilities and now brings in truckloads hauling tons of food waste from across Maine, and even from out of state, which, when fully operational, produce enough energy to power 2,500 homes.  

Stonyvale Farm is not the only facility of its type – there are a few dozen across the country with the same capacity and several smaller farms working with just manure. However, with more government grants and private funding, this is looking to be an upcoming trend in both reducing food waste and promoting clean energy.  

So what is anaerobic digestion? 

As explained by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), anaerobic digestion (AD) is the process through which bacteria breaks down organic matter in the absence of oxygen.  

In a situation like at Stonyvale Farm, the organic matter – in this case manure and food waste, but in other cases it could be wastewater biosolids, fats, oils, and other organics as well – are placed “in a sealed vessel called a reactor… These reactors contain complex microbial communities that break down (or digest) the waste and produce resultant biogas and digestate (the solid and liquid material end-products of the AD process) which is discharged from the digester.” 

For a visual representative of this process, the EPA has created the following diagram:

AD has several benefits for farms, municipalities, and other businesses, including: 

  • Diversifying farm incomes – the EPA explains that AD maximizes “the value of manure [and] increases farmers’ resiliency to the uncertainty of commodity product markets.” 
  • Economic growth for rural communities – AD infrastructure will create opportunities for skilled labor and expertise in areas such as in contracting, site work, concrete, plumbing, electrical, permitting, and engineering, as well as new local agricultural business opportunities.  
  • Conservation – the AD process improves soil health and helps protect local water resources.  
  • Energy independence for farms, significantly lowering their operational costs.  
  • Sustainable food production – AD processes allow the possibility of furthered reliance on local, sustainable food sources. 

AD as an energy provider.  

Anaerobic digestion is an incredible energy alternative that could have significant grassroots impacts. Not only can AD systems generate enough electricity for lighting and heating barns and homes, sustain greenhouses, and run refrigeration systems, but – as in the case in Maine – it can provide electricity for the local grid as well.  

Integration between agricultural AD systems and local utilities could help meet communities’ growing energy demand, put money back into that community, and decrease reliance on non-renewable energy.  

Likewise, the biogas created from anaerobic digestion of manure is composed of over 50% methane, which happens to be the majority component of renewable natural gas. However, AD is a far less pollutive way of capturing methane than traditional methods.  

Some farms and businesses with AD systems can even power fleets of long-haul trucks using the biogas created from their manure, food waste, and other organics.  

AD offers farms and businesses an out from relying on fossil fuels and non-renewable energy sources, as well the opportunity to help power their communities. In terms of the future of clean energy, it is a very exciting prospect.  

AD as a solution for waste disposal.  

Food waste is a big problem in North America. It is estimated that 30-40% of all domestically produced food goes unsold or uneaten. Most of this waste happens at the end of the supply chain; in consumer homes, grocery stores, and restaurants.  

While some regions have composting programs, and some businesses have adopted their own measures to tackle food waste, it’s still a pervasive issue filling North American landfills.  

Anaerobic digestion offers a community-based solution to this ever-growing problem. Local farms and businesses with AD facilities can partner with community grocers and restaurants to accept food waste – benefiting both businesses immensely. For the restaurants and grocers, this kind of partnership could significantly cut down not only their carbon footprint, but their waste disposal bill as well.  

This isn’t just a rural solution. 

It’s more than just the agricultural sector and rural businesses that can benefit from this technology. Due to the largely odorless nature of the digestion facilities, population-dense areas can sustain AD facilities too.  

For example, Ohio-based renewable energy company, Synthica Energy LLC recently announced its plans to launch an anaerobic digestion facility in Houston. Synthica describes its objectives as “development of Food Waste Renewable Natural Gas facilities that are urban friendly and reduce emissions.” 

The Houston facility is expected to be completed by late 2024 and will purportedly “divert about 300,000 tons per year of organic wastes from nonsustainable outlets, providing companies in the region who wish to make their operations more environmentally friendly a sustainable choice.” 

In Canada, local governments are investing in AD infrastructure as well. For example, Whitby, Ontario is expected to build a “Mixed Waste Pre-sort and Anaerobic Digestion Facility” as a part of the region’s long-term waste management plan. This comes alongside the news that a private AD facility, owned by Evergreen Environmental, has recently been opened in the neighboring city of Oshawa. 

In conclusion…  

From dairy farms to metropolitan areas, anaerobic digestion offers a creative solution to growing waste concerns, the need for renewable energy, and has several benefits to businesses and households alike.  

This technology holds great potential to solve several problems impacting society and business, including cutting costs for restaurants and grocers, and diversifying agricultural businesses’ revenue.  

Related articles: 


Cal Wilson / October 18, 2022

Managing Tasks Effectively

Life is busy, and chances are you’re always going to have multiple things on the go at any given time. Without a proper plan in place to prioritize tasks, it’s easy to get overwhelmed, but with a few simple adjustments you could be managing your tasks effectively in no time.  
In this issue of the Pulse, we share eight tips on how to be more effective when it comes to task management, specifically in the workforce, but many of these could easily be applied to other areas of your life as well.

Determine the urgency and importance of each task

The first step of managing your tasks effectively is determining the urgency and importance of each task. What absolutely needs to get done today? What can wait until tomorrow? Next week? If you’re unsure which tasks should be prioritized, it might be worth having a conversation about it with your team or supervisor.

Have one list

Having one lists allows you to see everything at a glance and plan accordingly when looking at the week or even day ahead. This could be a list in a physical or digital planner, or a work management tool. Larger projects may need to be broken down into smaller tasks still, which can still be done on a separate list, but including it on your main list ensures it doesn’t get forgotten.

Consider a software to help organize your tasks 

If a physical or digital planner isn’t your thing, a work management tool might be a better fit for you. Trello is a great option for teams because it allows teams to collaborate on projects, organize workflows, and track progress visually, but there are lots of options out there.

Turn off your email push notifications  

As of 2015, the average office worker received 121 emails a day, according to the Radicati Group. Having that many notifications pop up during the day is surely going to be distracting and take you away from the task at hand. Instead, consider checking your email a few times throughout the day at set times. This might mean checking your email at 9am, 12pm and 3pm, but the important part is finding a schedule that works best for you.

Block out time and set your status to do not disturb  

If you’re having a hard time getting to tasks, block out time on your calendar, like you would for a meeting with your team, and treat it as such. Don’t be late to start or allow yourself to get sidetracked. This is important time that will allow you to get some quality work done without interruptions. This doesn’t have to be a long period of time. In fact, some studies dating from the 1990s suggest that due to natural variations in our cycle of alertness, we can only concentrate for 90 minutes before needing a break.

Don’t be afraid to say no or ask for help 

If you’re too busy to take on another project, simply say no. This is easier said than done for Type A personalities, but again will leave you better off in the long run. Taking on projects you don’t have time for can leave you feeling overwhelmed and will likely either cause the project to take longer than anticipated or have you working long hours to keep up. Either way, no one wins. If you are having a hard time completing an already started project, don’t be afraid to ask for help. Our workflows often ebb and flow, so while you may be feeling like you’re at capacity, one of your team members might have a more flexible workload and chances are, they will be happy to help, as most people are.

Don’t be afraid to delegate 

It’s easy for your day to fill up, but are you spending your time on the right tasks? Harvard Business Review’s research shows that knowledge workers spend an average of 41 percent on discretionary activities that could be handled competently by others. “We instinctively cling to tasks that make us feel busy and thus important, while our bosses, constantly striving to do more with less, pile on as many responsibilities as we’re willing to accept.” However, if you can get past this and start delegating more often, you’ll be better off for it.

Don’t overwork yourself 

By taking breaks throughout the day and not working past your regular hours, you give yourself adequate time to relax and recharge, which allows you to come back to tasks with a new sense of energy and motivation.  

In conclusion… 

Managing tasks effectively can be a challenge, but there are several practices and resources you can use to make the most out of your day and ensure the most important tasks are being taken care of in a timely manner.

Cal Wilson / October 11, 2022

How staffing shortages hurt businesses.

One of the challenges facing many businesses right now is staffing shortages. If your business hasn’t encountered this yet, count yourself lucky, and be ready to deal with it in the future.  

How exactly do staffing shortages hurt businesses? From cost to quality of labor, staff burnout, and more, staffing shortages can be detrimental. In this article, we look at shortages from the employer’s perspective.  

Why does understaffing happen?  

Under normal circumstances, understaffing can happen for a variety of reasons, including cost cutting initiatives or poor planning by management. It’s a very common problem for companies that do not prioritize employee retention.  

However, as we all know, the last few years have not been normal circumstances. Despite businesses’ best efforts, staffing shortages are still rampant. Why? 

By summer 2022, the United States alone was facing a national shortage of 5.5 million workers. Meaning, there are currently more open jobs than there are workers to fill them. Experts believe there are several compounding issues behind this shortage: 

  • Supply chain issues 
  • Ongoing COVID-19 concerns 
  • Lower-than-ever population growth  
  • Poor infrastructure impeding accessibility 
  • Lack of affordable childcare 
  • Political/cultural conflicts alienating workers from potential employees 

While the consequences of staffing shortages are consistent, the causes differ depending on the context of the times. Right now, businesses might not have a lot of control over their access to qualified workers.  

Understaffing doesn’t save money in the long run.  

Staffing represents, on average, between 15 and 30% of a business’ operational costs. That’s no small expense.  

From a budgeting perspective, fewer staff may not seem so bad. Fewer people to pay, more revenue to keep, right? Not exactly.  

Simply put, too few employees can seriously limit a business’ ability to serve customers and grow the business. Part of a successful business strategy is forecasting staffing needs accurately.  

There are several consequences of understaffing that will end up hurting your business’ bottom line.  

Overtime expenses.  

It goes without saying that having fewer staff than your business needs increases your likelihood of paying overtime wages.  

Overtime costs more than standard wages, but also has other, indirect consequences: 

  • Employee burnout 
  • Increased mistakes 
  • Decreased quality of service and productivity 
  • Lower team morale 

High turnover rates.  

Working overtime and not having enough hands on deck will inevitably stress out your employees. Beyond the fact that good leaders care about their employees’ wellbeing, the truth is that stressed employees are bad for business.  

Not only will your employees’ mood and productivity become worse, but they’re more likely to take sick days or need to go on extended sick leave. Likewise, it reduces their overall satisfaction in their role, making them more likely to leave. During labor shortages, the last thing your business needs is a high employee turnover rate.  

On average, turnover costs companies $15,000 USD per worker.  

Poor performance.  

Your entire business can suffer from poor performance during staff shortages. 

Shortages often lead to missed deadlines, because staff do not have enough time to do their allotted amount of work – even with overtime hours. Or they must rush to finish their work, reducing its overall quality.  

Missed deadlines and sub-par work can lead to consequences like unfavorable reviews, lost clients, and overall reduced customer retention. All this spells a drop in revenue.  

More workplace accidents.  

More work, less help, and increased staff fatigue and stress all lead to a higher rate of workplace accidents. Not only do these accidents put yourself and others on your team at risk, but they stand to further the existing understaffing issue, and drive up your compensation expenses and potentially insurance premiums.  

Do you know if your business is understaffed? 

You might think your business’ staffing numbers are in balance, but do your employees agree?  

Research shows that as many as 40% of employees feel their company is understaffed. If your employees are feeling the side effects of understaffing, even without your awareness, it could be costing you.  

It’s worth talking to managers, staff, and HR to make sure this isn’t an issue your business is facing.  

Right now, a region’s staffing capacity will determine its opportunities.  

Understaffing on a wider scale, like what we are experiencing right now, can have serious long-term impacts on a region’s economy.  

Take, for example, a recently built Intel semiconductor facility outside Columbus, Ohio. Both JobsOhio and Intel itself accredit the selection of the location, just 20 miles from Ohio State University, to the state’s workforce.  

This was a logical choice for Intel. Ohio’s pitch was successful because the country’s worker shortage isn’t as acute there, which will bring more economic success through this opportunity in the future.  

In conclusion… 

Understaffing costs your business far more than it saves. If you’re looking to cut costs amid economic challenges, looking at employees is not necessarily the wisest first choice.  

In fact, employers should be renewing their commitment to employee retention. For more on employee retention in the wake of the Great Resignation, read here.  

Related articles: 

Cal Wilson / October 4, 2022

Why you should be reading every day, and how to read more.

If you’re reading this right now, know that literacy is one of your greatest privileges. The ability to read, reflect on what you’ve read, and share it with others, is an important skill that will serve you for your entire life. That is, of course, if you continue to use it.  

Whether it’s books, articles, studies – or whatever else captures your interest – reading is beneficial to you in several ways. In this issue of the Pulse, we cover why you should be reading every single day, and how you can build that habit.  

The emotional benefits of reading. 

Reading is more than just a hobby or pastime. It has the power to impact your mood, health, and career success.  

Adding reading to your daily routine – even in short doses – can boost you emotionally in the following ways: 

  • Reading allows for escapism – this might sound cynical, but sometimes we all need a small mental break. Reading gives your mind space away from whatever is going on in real life, to be entertained and decompress.  
  • Reading motivates – especially through reading fiction, memoirs, poetry, and other inspirational genres, reading can motivate us to work harder, overcome obstacles, and step outside our comfort zones.  
  • Reading activates empathy – reading takes us outside ourselves and allows us to think from others’ points of view, building our capacity for empathy, a crucial quality in many areas of life.  
  • Reading is a tool for mental health – some experts believe reading can help combat symptoms of depression, such as isolation and loneliness.  
  • Reading fosters perseverance – reading, specifically finishing books, teaches us to push through to complete our goals, feel accomplished at milestones or checkpoints, and follow through on commitments.  

The physiological benefits of reading.  

Reading is food for your brain that nourishes your entire body. There are several ways reading is good for your physiological health: 

  • Reading is a cognitive exercise – it challenges your brain to intake and process information, then recall it later, sharpening your memory function.  
  • Reading helps your sleep cycle – the destressing and calming function of reading is a great way to transition from the business of your day into the right headspace to get some sleep. Next time you’re stuck awake, try reading just a single chapter.  
  • Reading reduces stress – as previously mentioned, the escapist function of reading reduces stress, lowering heart rate, blood pressure, and overall, contributing to better physical health.  
  • Reading can combat cognitive decline – as we age, it’s important to adopt habits to keep our brains active. Reading is just one great strategy.  

The career benefits of reading.  

An avid reader has an advantage, no matter what their field of work. If you’re looking for an easy route to self-improvement, sharpening skills, and giving you an edge up in the job market, reading more is an easy strategy.  

Reading can give you the following career advantages: 

  • Reading improves concentration and focus – if you’re someone who struggles with concentration and focus, no matter the reason, reading can be a good skill to train your brain. Even if you’re practicing focusing on the small details for only short bursts, it’s still beneficial to your performance in other areas of your life.  
  • Reading improves your literacy – by encountering new words, phrases, and sentence structures, reading can improve your vocabulary and understanding, thus boosting your overall literacy. Your literacy will aid in your communication skills, both written and verbal.  
  • You learn when you read – whatever you’re reading, chances are you’re going to learn something new at some point. Diversifying your reading will help you build a wide bank of knowledge to draw from in real life situations. You can take this a step further by seeking out materials on relevant topics to your career.  
  • Reading enhances your imagination – many jobs value innovation, creativity, and original approaches to problem solving. Reading helps you foster that part of your mind.  
  • Reading boosts your analytical skills – analytical, critical thinkers tend to be better decision makers. This is important, especially if you’re in a leadership position.  

How you can

If you’re sold on the benefits of regular reading, but unsure of how to incorporate it into your daily routine, there are steps you can take to implement the habit: 

  • Always have a book on hand – keep it in your desk, your car, your bag, wherever. If there’s always a book on hand, you’ll be able to fill empty space in your schedule, such as time spent in a waiting room, with reading.  
  • Make manageable goals – instead of taking on War and Peace this month, maybe start with 20 pages a day, and adjust as that goal becomes easier.  
  • Don’t waste time on something you don’t enjoy – if you’re a hundred pages into a novel you’re hating, it’s easy to become stuck. Better to put the book down in favor of one you enjoy, than avoiding reading altogether.  
  • Read what you like, not what you feel like you should read – you’re going to hear a lot of opinions from a lot of people on what you should be reading. The most important thing is to read what will keep you reading. If that’s a book on entrepreneurship, great! If not, the only thing that matters is that you’re engaged.  

In conclusion… 

Our ability to read, and access to reading materials, is one of life’s greatest gifts. Not only can reading have a positive impact on your mood and health, but it gives you a leg up in your career as well. 

At Schooley Mitchell, we have always believed in reading a business book each month; but in general, any way to incorporate more reading into your regular life will only stand to benefit you.  


Cal Wilson / September 26, 2022

Should you buy or lease a card terminal?

For today’s merchants, offering quick and accessible payment options is a must. For physical locations, that often means keeping up to date with the latest quality terminal technology.  

One of the tougher decisions can be whether to rent those current terminals from your provider, or purchase them outright. In this article, we examine that question in depth.  

A clear answer is hard to find.  

Researching whether to buy or rent can leave you with as many questions as answers. You’re going to get different advice anywhere you look, which can make it hard to know who to trust. And the truth is, there is rarely a one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to business. You have to evaluate the facts and decide what is best for your individual business.  

Advantages of renting. 

Renting tends to be the more common choice for businesses.  

Often, the difference between renting and buying can be a matter of what your gameplan is, and how much capital you have. With less up front, renting might be a better option.  

The pros of renting Point of Sale (POS) terminals include: 

  • A low upfront cost – if you’re a new business just getting off the ground, renting equipment is considerably cheaper in the short term.  
  • You’re not married to the equipment – if it turns out the hardware isn’t the best fit for your business, you can make arrangements with your provider to change it, rather than owning devices you’re unhappy with.  
  • You can update your equipment with the times – as technology advances, so can your POS equipment, without you having to buy a new system. 
  • Rentals are often bundled with security software from the provider.  

Disadvantages of renting.  

While there are plenty of advantages to rentals, there is always a flipside. The cons include: 

  • Higher long-term costs – there comes a payment period with renting when you’ve surpassed the price of purchasing the equipment. 
  • You may be locked into an unfavorable contract – renting might come attached to a contract that limits your options and agencies over your payment processing environment. 
  • Your provider might pressure you into a longer term – some providers will offer cheaper rental agreements in exchange for a longer contract term, which might seem great at the start, but isn’t ideal in the long run.  

Advantages of buying. 

There are advantages to buying your terminals beyond just avoiding the downfalls of renting. These include: 

  • Full control – owning your own hardware allows your business to build POS infrastructure that’s best for your needs, including using native apps, third-party apps, and  third-party hardware add-ons. 
  • You own the equipment at the end of the day – whether you have the ability to resell it, or it just reliably lasts you for a long period of time, ownership can come with more ease of mind than renting, and is one less thing to budget for.  
  • You can buy bundled equipment – if you manage a physical storefront, some hardware sellers will offer discounted bundles that include multiple terminals, printers, cash registers, etc.  
  • It is possible to purchase second hand machines, but be wary of faulty equipment.  

The most important factor is your business’ individual needs.  

No matter whether you choose to rent or buy, what’s important is that you’re using the best technology for your business. When choosing the terminal, be sure to consider the following priorities: 

  • Ease of use – for your staff as well as your customers. 
  • Simple/custom price input. 
  • PCI compliance. 
  • Payment security. 
  • Compatibility with latest payment methods, such as tap, mobile wallet, etc.  
  • Portability. 
  • Connectivity – some terminals can connect to WiFi and some to ethernet, depending on your setup, that distinction will be critical. 
  • Receipt options – does the terminal print or email receipts?  
  • Warranty/replacement options – whether renting or purchasing, be sure to know what your options are if the hardware is damaged or broken.  

In conclusion… 

There is no one right way to go about getting your payment processing equipment. Whether you buy or rent your terminals, there are advantages and disadvantages.  

Largely, the best solution is going to depend on your business’ upfront capital, monthly budget, physical setup, and other unique needs.  

The most important thing to remember is to shop around, and not let a provider lock you into a contract that doesn’t serve you.  

Related articles: 


Cal Wilson / September 20, 2022

Building teamwork skills for yourself and your staff.

Teamwork is a critical component of success for many jobs, across all industries. No matter what your job title, if teamwork is a part of the equation, it’s a skill you should work on fostering in yourself and supporting in others.  

In this issue of the Pulse, we look at ways you can develop your own teamwork skills, as well as support teamwork in the workplace.  

Improving on your own teamwork skills. 

No matter what kind of team you’re on – in the workplace, in your personal life – these skills are critically important: 

  • Communication skills – building your communication skills includes practicing better listening, being effective and clear in the language you use to convey your thoughts, and being fluent in the latest methods of communicating with your colleagues, such as Microsoft Teams, Slack, or Zoom. 
  • Mindfulness – while there are always going to be aspects of teamwork you don’t like, such as difficult tasks or differences with teammates, being able to control your thoughts and focus on what is going well will aid you in building better relationships and getting the job done.   
  • Flexibility – no, not your yoga skills, but rather your ability to cope with change, adapt to new methods of doing things, and accommodate differences.  
  • Reliability – this may seem obvious, but not everyone comes across as reliable. Are you on time, responsive, and meeting your deadlines? Can others trust you not to flake out on responsibilities? This is all about self-awareness, taking accountability, and following through.  

Be a good team member.  

Each team structure is going to look a bit different, especially depending on where you are in that structure. Maybe you were an exceptional team player on a school sports team, but work life is a bit more complicated.  

Here are some good practices to employ: 

  • Understand your role on the team – understand your job description and responsibilities versus those of others, and where you fall in the team structure. Know what you and your coworkers each bring to the team.  
  • Show gratitude for your teammates – say thank you, acknowledge what you appreciate, and be someone your team members want to work with.  
  • Know your strengths – if you understand your strengths and weaknesses, you will better understand when to offer help and when to ask for it. Both actions are integral to good teamwork.  
  • Don’t argue over getting credit – there is no need to bicker or fight for credit. Show appreciation, shout out your teammates, and hope they do the same for you. Grappling for the spotlight will make you seem argumentative and ego-centric, even when you might deserve it. Likewise, don’t be quick to blame other people when things go wrong.  
  • Think with a team mindset – when it comes to work-related decisions, are you thinking about what is best for you, or what is best for the overall good of the team? 

Foster teamwork in the workplace. 

This is going to look different if you’re in a managerial or authority role, versus a subordinate role. If you’re the person in a leadership position, here are some ideas to foster better teamwork among your staff: 

  • Lead by example – demonstrate your hard work, dedication to the job, and commitment to the overall success and wellbeing of the team. Be a boss that inspires teamwork. Leaders’ attitudes are often infectious and can empower or deject staff.  
  • Plan team activities – occasionally organizing non-work-related activities can allow your team to bond better, without the pressure of the job. Games, meals, or outdoor activities are great examples of ways to connect.  
  • Establish good boundaries for your sake, and for the sake of everyone on the team.  
  • Make the ‘why’ clear – when establishing a rule or assigning a new task, make sure the purpose is clear, and not just “because I said so.” The latter will leave employees feeling unenthusiastic, but with the right ‘why’ in place, employees will be invigorated with a sense of purpose.  
  • Recognize wins and great work – whether this is a simple shout out, or a more tangible award, making your employees feel appreciated goes a long way in motivating a team.  
  • Offer a collaborative workspace – if possible, having a room or office dedicated to employee collaboration can be a great way to incite teamwork without disrupting other workplace procedures.  
  • Play to your employees’ strengths – teams that focus on strengths every day have 12.5% higher productivity. 

Why does this matter? 

Functional teamwork matters. In fact, poor teamwork can have serious consequences. For example, a recent study found that 86% of employees cite lack of collaboration for workplace failures. Likewise, 81% of workers would feel more grateful if they felt their boss was appreciative of their work.  

In conclusion… 

Teamwork is an incredibly important part of being a leader and an employee. There are simple skills, habits, and commitments you can make to be a better team player, that will go a long way in improving workplace relationships, job performance, and overall morale. Â