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Pamila Kew / September 19, 2018

Recommendation Letter for Hope’s Eating Disorders Support (Hope’s EDS)

To whom it may concern:

It is with deep honour and respect that I write this letter on behalf of an important local organization, Hope’s Eating Disorders Support. Hope’s EDS is a registered not-for-profit organization in operation since 2002. They provide support and resources to those struggling with and affected by eating disorders.

The symptoms of an eating disorder are devastating, robbing individuals of their physical and mental health, happiness in relationships, educational and employment opportunities and financial security.

At Hope’s EDS they are committed to helping individuals navigate through the health care system. They work tirelessly to increase awareness and dispel stigma. Through educational workshops, they help friends and families better understand this disease and learn to better communicate and care for their loved one.

Hope’s EDS emphasizes early intervention educational programming geared to younger ages, promoting healthy eating, healthy lifestyles and positive body image. They also offer group support programs, which are ways for people to come together, and through sharing their experiences, begin to normalize their feelings and help each other deal with their difficulties.

Hope’s EDS provides services to a broad base of individuals across Ontario, including adolescents and youth. Avenues for public education include, but are not limited to, health care facilities, schools, libraries, private-sector workplaces … essentially any place where people live, work and play.

Having recently restructured and using web-based resources in a more effective way, Hope’s EDS operates a lean, responsible and cost-effective organization, with a proven track record of success. I commend Hope’s Eating Disorders Support and its volunteers and support them wholeheartedly as they continue this vital work within our communities.

Sincerely yours,

Neil Hostein
Schooley Mitchell

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Pamila Kew / September 19, 2018

Check out Hope’s Eating Disorders Support (Hope’s EDS)

Hope’s Eating Disorders Support (Hope’s EDS) is committed to helping individuals navigate the health care system when seeking support for eating disorders.   They also offer group support programs and educational workshops. Hope’s EDS focuses on early intervention education geared to younger ages, encouraging healthy lifestyles, positive body image, positive self-esteem and self worth.

Hope’s EDS operates a lean, responsible and cost-effective organization, with a proven track record of success.

Pamila Kew / September 19, 2018

Fort Clarkston

Fort Clarkston

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Pamila Kew / September 18, 2018

Avalon Glassworks

Avalon Glassworks

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