Up to date, high-level business information that is relevant to our clients and contacts, helping keep up to date on the ver-changing business world of today.

Pamila Kew / September 11, 2017

Diane Haag Law

Diane Haag – Diane Haag Law

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Pamila Kew / September 11, 2017

United Industrial Services

United Industrial Services

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Pamila Kew / September 11, 2017

C&H Audio Visual Services

C&H Audio Visual Services

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Pamila Kew / September 8, 2017

Mathnasium of Cherry Hill

To whom it may concern:

It is with great pleasure I write this letter of recommendation for Bryan Cooke and his team at Mathnasium of Cherry Hill. They have been helping kids in their community improve and excel in math since 2009.

Using the Mathnasium Method, their specially trained team of instructors utilize custom assessments to pinpoint each child’s learning needs and design a customized learning plan to help master the concepts. They also set aside time solely for homework help. They continue to use assessments to ensure progress and skill retention, and they never assign homework.

Mathnasium of Cherry Hill offers a year-round membership for consistency and flexibility, a marvelous summer program to ensure future success, and private tutoring for those unique situations.

Not only does Mathnasium of Cherry Hill help hundreds of children in the South Jersey area to make sense of math, but they also hold an annual TriMathalon. The free weekend event is packed full of fun activities, goody bags, and additional prizes. Each child who participates can earn money for local schools while demonstrating their mathematical skills in a festive atmosphere.

I would absolutely recommend Mathnasium of Cherry Hill to every parent who has a child struggling with math in elementary school, middle school, or high school!

Yours truly,

David Still
Business Optimization Specialist
Schooley Mitchell

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Visit the Website

Pamila Kew / September 6, 2017

Featured Client: Sullivan Paper

Founded in 1939, Sullivan Paper is an innovative converter of high-quality specialty papers. It places a strong emphasis on design and color, and offers a diverse product line featuring fine base papers, embossing textures, printed patterns and more.